Monday, January 14, 2008

Finding your next digital camera

Finding your next digital camera
By: Dawson

These days digital camera is becoming an essential household electronics appliance. How do you judge the quality of a digital camera? This is not an easy question to answer given the wide range of digital cameras available in the market today. Each camera comes with its own individual features like image resolution, storage capacity, lens power etc. So, what should the buyer look for in the camera?

1. Image Quality
Image quality and trueness of colors need to be studied carefully. In fact, one should spend considerable time looking at images generated by different cameras before taking a decision. These images should not be the retouched images but fresh shoots.

2. Resolution
Resolution is another major requirement. The quality of a camera is directly proportional to the resolution of the images. For example, a 3 megapixels (MP) camera outputs images that are anywhere from 1 to 2 MB in size while a 7 MP camera outputs images that are 4 to 5 MB in size. If you are a professional photographer then you should go for high pixel cameras; beginners can look at low or mid-end cameras.

3. Weight
You should also not forget the camera weight. A large and heavier camera is difficult to carry. It is also more difficult to keep it still when shooting. You should therefore select a camera that you can focus with ease.

4. Capacity
The number of images a camera can take before you download them on to your computer may not be a problem if you are shooting near your computer. Of course, it does matter if you are shooting outdoors in that case you should choose a camera that will store enough images. You should therefore go for large memory cards or several small memory cards. This will allow you the luxury of long photo shoots.

5. Lens Quality
Mid range cameras have a single lens with or without zoom facility. For shooting objects from a close range (around less than 1.5 feet) choose a camera with a macro option. High-end cameras, that are basically 35mm. SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras, come with changeable lenses but can cost quite a lot. They are more useful for professional photographers. Beginners need not burn money on them.

CaretoTrade is a website where anyone can buy, sell and trade digital cameras with people from all over the world. There is a huge selection of different types of digital cameras. The idea is that one person’s unwanted digital camera could be another’s ideal birthday gift. Classified advertising on the website is completely free of charge so why not try listing your unwanted digital camera today? Not only can you barter on cameras, digital cameras and other imaging equipment and accessories but also health and beauty products, flyer miles, tools and hardware, and real estate and cars, which apparently are just a few of the most widely used categories.

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