Friday, December 28, 2007

New Digital Camera

New Digital Camera Web Site Helps Overwhelmed Consumers 
Aspiring photographers switching to digital cameras can be easily overwhelmed by the industry jargon. Many wind up with cameras with frustrating limitations or features they never use. is a web site that teaches the average consumer about digital cameras in simple non-technical language.Most digital camera web sites are crammed with numbers, charts and statistical camera data – great for enthusiasts, but confusing to everyone else. It's difficult for a confused buyer to choose the camera features that he or she really needs.DigicamGuides is clear and easy to use. It has all the information a consumer needs to make an educated camera purchase in one spot. 

Important points are illustrated with photographs, not charts and numbers. Digital camera buyers can use the site to feel confident that they are buying a camera that will suit their needs.Buyers are not the only ones who get overwhelmed. New digital camera owners need to learn a lot of new techniques, but many web sites are geared toward professional photographers. Camera owners don't need professional solutions; they just want to know how to e-mail photos to friends.DigicamGuides provides digital camera owners with tutorials on how to store, organize, edit, share and print their digital photographs. Detailed reviews of hardware, software and web sites teach photographers how to manage their growing collection of digital photos. 

Tips and projects help visitors to the site become better photographers. Chris Roberts – the creator and manager of DigicamGuides – is a photographer, writer and technical enthusiast. The web site was created to present complicated digital technology in plain English. Chris wants others to benefit from the reading, learning and research that he has already done on the topic.This does not mean that DigicamGuides is a one-way street. The web site is frequently changed to accommodate visitor feedback, and all input and suggestions are welcome.

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